babel projects ltd

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and freedom.
Viktor Frankel
What is coaching?
At Babel Projects we are passionate about helping people to thrive at work and in their personal lives. And the academic research tells us that coaching is a key way to support to people in this. It can increase self-confidence, enhance communication skills, help people become more self-reliant in achieving their goals and improve satisfaction, wellbeing and performance at work.
Coaching is a collaborative process between coach and coachee. The coach creates a safe space to help the coachee explore what is important to them, and help them make positive changes towards finding more fulfilment in work and life.
Coaching methodology is driven by the belief that people are resourceful and creative and hold the answers they need within them. Coaches don't therefore tell their clients what to do! Rather, they empower people to take responsibility for their own growth. They use questioning, observation and feedback techniques to help their clients identify goals, understand their current reality, figure out options and decide next steps. Coaches can also draw upon a range of exercises to facilitate self-discovery and​​
coaching expertise

Our resident expert Coach, Jen, works with leaders, managers, employees and private clients to help them develop and thrive, both personally and professionally.
She brings a deep understanding of human behaviour and organisational dynamics and offers a wealth of useful evidence-based tools and techniques.
Our Approach
Open, compassionate and curious, Jen builds early rapport and trust with clients and creates a safe, calm environment that enables deep discussion and provokes new thinking.
She fully coachee-led, supporting people to define their goals and identify their strengths, whilst also challenging them to seek out and focus on areas for growth.
Jen is pragmatic and action-focused, using her operational experience and knowledge of evidence-based techniques to help people develop realistic strategies to overcome barriers and facilitate positive lasting change.
Scaling up
We also work with a range of Coach Associates for larger projects and can provide biographies on request.

What We Do
Coaching Specialisms
Navigating change​
Career transitions​
Managing others, including teams and stakeholders​
Managing stress and integrating work and life well​
Building resilience​
Individual self awareness, confidence and personal impact​
Personality and behavioural profiling​
Behaviour change

chemistry call
The coachee (and sponsor where applicable) meet with their potential coach to explore whether they would like to work together.
We agree number of sessions, duration of sessions, terms and fees, and we sign a Coaching Agreement.
The coach and coachee meet and initally spend time discussing ways of working, confidentiality, and the needs and desired outcomes for the coachee.
This is an iterative process and will be repeated at the start of each coaching session.
Coaching sessions (typically 4 - 6 sessions of 90 minutes each) take place across an agreed timeframe.
Each session will usually have a sub-goal or outcome that the coach helps the coachee to define at the start.
feedback and review
During and at the end of the agreed coaching period, coach and coachee (and sponsor where applicable) will evaluate progress together and either close the coaching series or decide on next steps.